Precedents: Resources

Historical Examples of Self-Sufficiency:

Edith Bowles, From village to camp:  refugee camp life in transition on the Thailand-Burma Border, Forced Migration Review (Aug. 1998)
Documents how self-sufficient, self administered refugee settlements deteriorated into traditional refugee camps in the late 1990s.

John R. Rogge, Africa’s Resettlement Strategies, International Migration Review vol. 15 (1981)
Discusses how programs to promote self-sufficiency for refugees in Africa have focused primarily on agriculture, which is heavily contingent on the availability of quality land.

Alexander Betts, “Put innovation at the heart of refugee protection work” The Guardian, (Jan. 4, 2013)
Describes how refugees’ creativity can help them prosper through Refugee Innovation Centres like the one established in Dadaab, Kenya, with support from Microsoft and Safaricom.

Special Economic Zones:

FIAS/World Bank, Special Economic Zones:  Performance, Lessons Learned, and Implications for Zone Development (2008)
Provides an overview of SEZ practices and policies worldwide.

Thomas Farole and Gokhan Akinci, Special Economic Zones:  Progress, Emerging Challenges, and Future Directions, World Bank (2011)
Analyzes the success and failure of various SEZs from around the world.

Douglas Zeng, Building Engines for Growth and Competitiveness in China:  Experience with Special Economic Zones and Industrial Clusters, World Bank (2010)
Recounts and assesses the astounding growth in SEZs in China.

Valentina Pasquali, Special Economic Zones:  Who Wins, Who Loses? Global Finance (Sept. 10, 2015)
Discusses the factors that lead towards successful zones and the factors that lead to unsuccessful zones.

The Economist, Special Economic Zones: Political priority, economic gamble (Apr. 4, 2015)
Explains how when SEZs rely too heavily on tax incentives and not enough on improving the business operating environment, they tend to fail.